A couple of days ago, I found this really strange thing. There's a guy on facebook with the exact name as mine and I know 4 of his friends !! And out of those four, three of them are Russian programmers that I normally outsource projects for work. So I decided to email this guy and say hi to him but I never got a response back.
Why does his profile come up when you look up my name in google? Why not mine?
He only has seven friends. And I know most of them. And he doesnt respond to emails.
For some reason, I have a feeling that somebody I know created the fake account with my name. And then people who knew me added him as a friend thinking that they were adding me.
Why would anyone do that .. I don't know :S
Well, he doesn't look like you!
haha -- yeah I know .. it's a good thing he doesn't ... otherwise I would have had a hard time convincing people who is the real me :p
dont u think its a lttle creepy????
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