Saturday, May 17, 2008

A late night post

You know sometimes when you're sleepy ... but don't want to go to sleep just yet. It's 3:40 am right now in Dallas ... and I just dont feel like sleeping. It's as if I'm trying to stretch the evening as much as I can to keep the inner peace that I've been feeling tonight. The quiet hiss of the air conditioner over the silence in the apartment seems to have a tranquilizing effect and when the air conditioner goes off .. I can hear sounds of me breathing in a strange calming rhythm.

There is probably another reason why I don't feel like sleeping. Tomorrow I'm gonna walk in my grad school commencement ceremony. And surprisingly, I'm not excited about it. First of all, I haven't really graduated yet officially because I still have to take classes during the summer. I decided to walk early because I wasn't sure if I would be here in Dallas in December, when the next commencement ceremonies are going to be held. Secondly, a lot of my friends and some aunts/uncles are going to be there at the ceremony to cheer me on and all their support really means a lot but there's this nagging feeling that I had for the last few days that I couldnt figure out. I should be happy about this right? But instead I'm actually dreading this thing. And then it finally hit me ... I have worked really hard for the last two years to get this degree. Full time school along with a full time job was one of the hardest things I have done so far and I'm extremely proud of this accomplishment. Coming from a family of businessmen, ever since I can remember, I knew that my father wanted me to get my MBA. A lot of career related discussions revolved around the idea that I'd one day get an MBA degree. I remember him telling me over and over about the son of the owner of HKB in Lahore (they were our customer at that time) who did his MBA from LUMS. And my dad was obsessed with the idea of me doing the same thing one day. It was his idea of the highest academic achievement the son of a businessman could get.

And he made sure I got the best education possible .. sometimes even if it was outside of our financial realms. It's just amazing that he never said no to anything I wanted (ofcourse within limits)

And with their Duas and Allah's grace, I've achieved all this that my parents had always dreamed of. And then tomorrow, when I go on stage to get my degree, I sooo want them to be here with me to share this proud moment. I want them to be proud of what THEY have accomplished during their whole lives by raising their kids to become what we are now. And in my mind, it really should be all about them. If they are happy and proud and content, I'll automatically be happy with them. And that really dampens my mood about the graduation tomorrow because they won't be here to see the grand finale of this whole so called formal education path that started many years ago at Les Anges Montessory School, Lahore.


Anonymous said...

im soo sorry bhai..but u knw they r proud... like really in ur the ONLY guy in our family who finished his MBA..nd guess wat itz Ashaf'z son who acomplished that..nd to top it off, with fying just chill bro
just keep fanazing abt wat ur gonna do when u inshsAllah get back to pak....nd dude datz gonna keep ur mind off thingz like "the quite hiss of the Ac" although it looks really coool when u read it...

Anonymous said...

im soo sorry bhai..but u knw they r proud... like really in ur the ONLY guy in our family who finished his MBA..nd guess wat itz Ashaf'z son who acomplished that..nd to top it off, with fying just chill bro
just keep fanazing abt wat ur gonna do when u inshsAllah get back to pak....nd dude datz gonna keep ur mind off thingz like "the quite hiss of the Ac" although it looks really coool when u read it...

Anonymous said...

im soo sorry bhai..but u knw they r proud... like really in ur the ONLY guy in our family who finished his MBA..nd guess wat itz Ashaf'z son who acomplished that..nd to top it off, with fying just chill bro
just keep fanazing abt wat ur gonna do when u inshsAllah get back to pak....nd dude datz gonna keep ur mind off thingz like "the quite hiss of the Ac" although it looks really coool when u read it...

Anonymous said...

im soo sorry bhai..but u knw they r proud... like really in ur the ONLY guy in our family who finished his MBA..nd guess wat itz Ashaf'z son who acomplished that..nd to top it off, with fying just chill bro
just keep fanazing abt wat ur gonna do when u inshsAllah get back to pak....nd dude datz gonna keep ur mind off thingz like "the quite hiss of the Ac" although it looks really coool when u read it...

Anonymous said...

Arfeen Bhai, this is so beautifully written.