Here's some of funny ones.
The girl in the above picture reminds me of my best friend Aman. You would have thought that this tendency to outperform all his peers would end after he graduated from college. But NO! During the ski lessons in New Mexico last weekend, he was with us in our group of eight friends. And while the rest of us were still trying hard to stay on our feet and not fall down, Aman was gliding down the slope (almost effortlessly) and became a favorite of our ski instructor. It felt like I was back in one of our classes at LUMS where Aman would be asking all these ridiculously advanced questions to the teacher, while the rest of us sat there giving him murderous looks .. lol
*edit* btw, I exaggerated that a little ... Aman is one of the smartest people I know but he continues to underestimate himself. I think his down to earth nature is what everybody loves about him ... (if I were a girl, I would have ended this with a 'Muaah') LOL
lol .. great post arfeen .. and thats true !! aman khan is a genius in everything
See .. even Younas agrees. So all you single ladies out there .. I'll tell you about a sure shot way of wooing him. Find the hardest math problem from your brother's/cousin's/uncle's/dad's/stranger's calculus 3 book and cry out for help. And Behold ... Aman will be your knight in shining armor to help out the damsel in distress !!! lol
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