I poked the stylus on the 'Internet Explorer' icon on the screen, but nothing happened. I tried again, and still nothing. The white and blue internet explorer icon stared back at me defiantly as if saying "Haha .. I'm the one in control here, not you!"
And then I noticed it. A small crack towards the top of the screen. I figured it was just a spec of dust (since it had been sitting all day in my pocket with my keys and bunch of other stuff) I rubbed the screen with my sleeve willing the crack to go away. Instead, the crack seemed to have gotten longer.
And then I noticed it. A small crack towards the top of the screen. I figured it was just a spec of dust (since it had been sitting all day in my pocket with my keys and bunch of other stuff) I rubbed the screen with my sleeve willing the crack to go away. Instead, the crack seemed to have gotten longer.
Wtf? This could not be happening to me. I needed to get access to the internet to pull up the directions to go to the laser tag place from Mount Bonelle in Austin. Btw, this was my first time playing Laser Tag and it was soo much fun. Our team beat the crap out of the blue team. And I felt kinda cool crouching behind a wall holding out my laser gun in Tom Cruise - Mission Impossible style. Point, Aim and Bang. And the next thing you know, a 15 year old kid sneaks up, and puts a couple of (metaphorical) slugs in me.
But anyway .. back to my trusty old PDA. I felt the world caving up on me. All the cool things that I used to do with my pda started flashing before my eyes. Real time traffic reports, unlimited access to gmail, playing mp3s through my car stereo using an FM transmittor and streaming audio. Not to mention all those (not too) awesome software that I created in my leisure time. Oh one of the most ingenious applications I created was 'The UnSnoozable". It was an alarm clock application that lets you snooze only 5 times. Each time you snooze it, the snooze button becomes smaller. And eventually the snooze button becomes invisible and you need to take out the stylus, open your eyes and type in an 8 digit random number displayed on the screen. The sad part was that the application was only used once and the next morning, I actually overslept because the darn program had too many bugs in it.

Anyway ... my 18 month old companion that was by my side 24/7 is dying (I'm talking about the phone/PDA) The touch screen is all cracked and doesn't work. I don't want to go back to using regular cell phones because they're just so .. so .. inadequate .. and I can't really afford buying another PDA phone. So, I had to improvise and learn how to use the phone without using the touch screen at all. I admit it's a little hard to navigate, but I'll just have to do until my cell phone contract expires or if the phone just gives up on me. lol
whoaa...that does look bad!sorry...this probably made you feel worse but couldn't help myself.This is part of the reason why I've always been scared to get high tech gizmos such as these (and yes...a PDA phone quite easily makes my high tech gizmo list... I am just that technologically challenged..heh.).Anyways, hope you can lug it out for a while at least.
Dear Technologically Challenged:
Thank you for your kind words. It was hard, but I have learned to move on in my life with this cripling disability (i.e using the phone without the touch screen)
lol... I'm j/k .... Jeez - this sounds like somebody actually died :p Anyway, I think you should try out a pda/phone Aya.. they're a lot of fun .. that is if you dont mind hauling around a phone size of a small brick with you.
haha...well,its not dead(yet!)..:P
I need to get a PDA in the near future and I guess it only makes sense to get a PDA phone...can't be hauling a phone and a PDA in already heavy lab coat pockets...what would you suggest for a (technologically challenged) beginner? I am guessing I probably won't need anything fancy...just something that can hold a couple of medical texts etc and be (ultra) user friendly?
Aya: I would say get something that runs 'Windows Mobile' on it. The blackberry and Palm are really nice, but you have to learn everything from scratch. Windows mobile looks a lot like the windows on your computer, so you'll be up and running right from day one.
I would suggest the Treo 700w (It comes with Verizon I think) It's fast, sturdy and has a decent keypad to type on. And maybe, you'll stop feeling technologically challenged after that. :p
Thanks for the input...shall keep all this in mind when I get one inshaAllah.
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